
Head over heels

What makes the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill such a special place?

We could say the picturesque campus, the life-changing research headed by world-class faculty, the impactful education happening in and outside of classrooms and the spirit of public service that is embedded in all of us. Those are all amazing

But what really makes Carolina truly special are the Tar Heels who make up our community.

In honor of Valentine’s Day, some current students shared what they love about Carolina.   

If I had to choose one thing, it’s the faculty. The faculty are the reason I came back for my master’s after doing my undergrad here. I love them so much that I didn’t want to leave them.

Kyle Ashburn, graduate student in the UNC School of Information and Library Science and a Carolina alumnus


A professor talks with students.

I love the town of Chapel Hill. It really feels like home here.

Kate Slate, graduate student studying journalism

A mural of that says chapel hill.

I really like UNC’s ability to make lots of people — people with diverse backgrounds and interests — feel at home.

Allen Siegler, a masters of public health student

Students on campus.

“Everyone has always been super friendly, both professors and other students. I am getting a great education, but it’s not a super competitive environment. It’s super collaborative.” Sarah Ouslander, senior

“Definitely the atmosphere at sports events. I think it was four months ago, attending a football game, you had these people from Atlanta, and they embodied the Carolina spirit even though they were from a different area.” Emmanuel Otoah-Gyasi, sophomore

“I love the community and the friends that I’ve made here. I always feel like I’m home wherever I am. I feel like getting into clubs with people who have like-minded goals as you is really empowering and makes you feel like you’re appreciated and seen on campus.” Grace Whittemore, sophomore

“I love UNC because people take pride in what they do here. Going into the medical field, that’s really important to me.” Sartaj Jahooty, first-year student

“I love UNC because of both the class environment and academic encouragement, but also because this University has helped me find my people and my lifelong friends.” Elina Carpen, senior

A person holds a sign in the pit.

Student groups try to recruit new singers in the Pit. (Johnny Andrews/UNC-Chapel Hill)

“The Meantime Coffee Company in the Campus Y. It’s a great environment. I love my regular customers, the community and it always smells really great.” Emily Kang, junior

“One thing that I love about Carolina is all the support that everyone provides on a daily basis. The students and the faculty members just want you to succeed, and it feels really good to know that. Being a music major we make a lot of mistakes, and my mistakes are validated on a daily basis. It’s good knowing that it’s OK and that I will succeed at the end.” Stella Ferrer, first-year student

“There’s just so many different people doing so many different things. But we all connect from our shared experiences of being on campus and being at Carolina. The student body is really excited about life.” Cameron Shaw, first-year student

“I love the friends I’ve met in my program. Coming from out-of-state, this has been so special to me.” Atlantis Warren, graduate student

“I think one of my favorite things about Carolina is how proud everyone is to be a Tar Heel. There’s just that school spirit, and everyone is involved in clubs and movements.” Anna Kunz, sophomore

“I really love all of the professors at Carolina. They are super accommodating, especially with things going on in the world. They are very understanding of the fact that we have lives outside of being students, and that our mental health should be a priority. I really love that they take the time to care about us outside of us just being individuals sitting inside of the classroom.” Claire Mesibov, first-year student

“I love the community and I love the energy at Duke games. I also like the sweet potato fries at the dining hall.” Jimmy Toole, junior

“I love how there are people from everywhere and you meet people that you never thought you would. I have met people from overseas. I’ve met people from all over North Carolina and all over the country. I feel like I’ve been exposed to such a wide range of personalities and ideas that I never would in my hometown.” Ginny Dempster, first-year student

There are plenty of green spaces to go enjoy the outdoors. I especially like the upper quad.

Max Neuwirth, first-year student studying environmental studies

A person sits on a bench outside.

I think one of my favorite things about Carolina is how proud everyone is to be a Tar Heel. There’s just that school spirit, and everyone is involved in clubs and movements.

Anna Kunz, sophomore

Student cheering in the stands of Kenan Stadium.

I love the marine labs at UNC. It’s cool that such a big school can have a big campus here in Chapel Hill and one in Morehead City. The science resources are amazing.

Maya Powell, doctoral student in the Environment, Ecology and Energy program

Three people in a boat.

Meet some of the students who make Carolina special

Click on a photo below to read about each Tar Heel and learn how they are strengthening our campus community