
Rise and shine a light on employees

Campus leaders celebrated Employee Appreciation Day by handing out breakfast biscuits on the morning of Oct. 28.

Nate Knuffman hands a bag of food to an employee in a car in front of the Old Well

University leaders gathered at sunrise yesterday, Oct. 28, to show their appreciation for Carolina employees in a new, physically distanced way. In the absence of an event-filled day in The Pit like previous Employee Appreciation Days, workers drove down Cameron Avenue past the Old Well and South Building where masked and gloved campus leaders handed sacks of breakfast biscuits — pork sausage, turkey sausage or egg and cheese — prepared by Carolina Dining Services through car windows.

Chancellor Kevin M. Guskiewicz wrote in a campus message the day of the event, “Today, as we celebrate Employee Appreciation Day, I want to thank you and every single Carolina employee across our campus for the tremendous work you do each day.”

Campus leaders gathered in front of the Old Well at sunrise to hand out breakfast to show their appreciation to the University's employees.

Campus leaders gathered in front of the Old Well at sunrise to hand out breakfast biscuits and show their appreciation to University employees.


The packaged breakfast meals given to employees were prepared by Carolina Dining Services.

Carolina Dining Services prepared and replenished the pork sausage, turkey sausage or egg and cheese breakfast biscuits.


In past years, Employee Appreciation Day included in-person events across campus. During the pandemic, Employee Appreciation was comprised of virtual events throughout October, culminating in the breakfast drive-thru.

In past years, Employee Appreciation Day included in-person events across campus. During the pandemic, the Office of Human Resources got creative and offered mostly virtual events throughout October, though the breakfast drive-through was in person.


Chancellor Kevin M. Guskiewicz works with Vice Chancellor for University Development David Routh to hand out breakfast to employees driving by in front of South Building.

Chancellor Kevin M. Guskiewicz (left) worked with Vice Chancellor for University Development David Routh to hand out breakfast to employees driving by South Building.


Masked and gloved University leaders work together pass out breakfast to employees on the morning of Oct. 28.

Masked and gloved University leaders worked together passing out breakfast to employees.


Vice Chancellor for Institutional Integrity and Risk Management George E. Battle III handing out breakfast to employees.

Vice Chancellor for Institutional Integrity and Risk Management George E. Battle III joined the fun.


Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Amy Johnson at the ready to pass a breakfast meal to an employee waiting in their car.

Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Amy Johnson, at the ready to pass a breakfast meal to an employee waiting in their car, showed up.


Ramses makes a masked appearance for Employee Appreciation Day 2020.

Even Rameses made a masked appearance for Employee Appreciation Day 2020.