
Growing list of resources connects end users to data

Carolina Data Science Now compiled a list of recommended “bridges and connectors” to help faculty, staff and students work with data.

Overhead photo of a highway clover-leaf exchange.

A recent Data Science Now webinar showed the power of data science, especially when scholars and researchers from different disciplines converge to solve problems.

The webinar ended with a discussion on the importance of helping end users of data.

“You can have tons of rich data, raw data, wonderful data, but without bridges and connectors for showing people how to use it and access it, what does it mean?” asked Stan Ahalt, director of Carolina’s Renaissance Computing Institute, or RENCI. “It’s like information overload without a guide through it.”

Throughout the webinar, participants pointed each other to bridges and connectors to help faculty, staff and students enhance their data science efforts and learn more. Carolina Data Science Now has added those to a growing list of resources provided by or recommended by the University that includes:

  • Courses on R and Python, ArcGIS and other subjects: The University Libraries offer these courses and other resources.
  • Data Matters: A week-long series in August 2022 of virtual one- and two-day courses for students and professionals in business, research and government. Sponsored by the Odum Institute for Research in Social Science, the National Consortium for Data Science and RENCI, the series enable students to learn about a wide range of topics in data science, analytics, visualization, curation and more.
  • Data science minor: Five courses are required to earn the College of Arts & Sciences’ minor.
  • Desert Networks: The physical, economic and social networks that have linked the Egyptian Eastern Desert and enabled people to survive in a hostile environment and to exploit its resources.
  • Digital Humanities Advancement grants: Check the site for updates on annual deadlines for applying.
  • Digital Innovation Lab: Part of Carolina’s Digital Humanities Initiative, the lab offers fellowships, workshops and other resources.
  • ITS Research Computing: Provides computing infrastructure and other technology tools and capabilities.
  • ITS software distribution of NVivo: Download this qualitative data analysis tool.
  • Odum Institute for Research in Social Science consultations and training.
  • Pleiades: A site that gives scholars and students the ability to use, create and share historical geographic information about the ancient world in digital form.
  • The University Libraries resources and short courses on data and text mining.

The University is preparing to launch the School of Data Science and Society in fall 2022.

Future webinars are scheduled for Feb. 24, March 24, April 28 and May 26. Check Data Science Now for information.