
Message from Chancellor Folt about Wayne Blair

Wayne Blair, University ombuds and director of the University Ombuds Office, has accepted a position as ombuds person for the Asian Development Bank.

Dear Carolina Community:

It is with great appreciation for his faithful service and excitement for his new opportunity that I share with you that Wayne Blair, University ombuds and director of the University Ombuds Office, has accepted a position as ombuds person for the Asian Development Bank, an international development finance institution dedicated to reducing poverty and increasing the quality of life in Asia and the Pacific. Wayne will be leaving his position in early 2018.

Wayne has been ombuds since coming to Carolina in 2005 when he worked to establish the University Ombuds Office. Since that time, he has built a nationally renowned program based on the principles of confidentiality, neutrality, informality and independence. During his 12-year tenure, Wayne has assisted thousands of students, faculty and staff and provided advice to senior leadership.

Wayne’s many contributions have extended beyond the campus. He developed and briefly led the ombuds program for the Town of Chapel Hill and has continued as a consultant to the program. He also took on leadership and teaching responsibilities for the International Ombuds Association, and ombuds from around the world have turned to Wayne for counsel and best practices.

I am excited for Wayne and his opportunity to pursue this global opportunity. The Ombuds Office will continue to be staffed by Laurie Mesibov and Victoria Dowd, both of whom have worked side by side with Wayne since 2005. I am confident that we can build on the great work Wayne has done and will attract an outstanding successor for this important position. I will announce plans to launch a national search in the new year to identify the best candidates for the role of ombuds.

Please join me in thanking Wayne for his years of successful leadership as University ombuds. He has been an integral member of this campus and a valued colleague. 


Carol L. Folt