

The Latest

  • South Building

    University leadership provides a COVID-19 update

    "Over the next two weeks, faculty who have not already done so should resume the mode of instruction that was advertised at the time of student registration (in-person instruction in most cases). While we expect all classes to resume regular in-person sessions, deans and department chairs should continue to offer flexibility to their faculty based on their individual circumstances and faculty members should continue to be flexible with their students."

  • UNC Bell Tower peaking through trees

    Showing grace and goodwill: A message from Chancellor Guskiewicz

    Chancellor Guskiewicz reflects on the role that the Carolina community has in shaping the campus culture.

  • UNC-Chapel Hill Chancellor Kevin M. Guskiewicz speaking to a student on campus.

    Leading through disruption

    The omicron variant has not stopped the important mission of the University, says Chancellor Kevin M. Guskiewicz.