

The Latest

  • UNC-Chapel Hill Chancellor Carol L. Folt, renowned physicist Stephen Hawking and theoretical physics associate professor Laura Mersini-Houghton.

    Folt, Hawking kick off historic physics conference

    The conference, co-sponsored by UNC-Chapel Hill, is bringing together some of the world’s most accomplished theoretical physicists to discuss the question of whether singularities in black holes exist and whether Hawking Radiation has bearing on their existence.

  • A bird.

    Preserving the Galapagos one sample at a time

    Researchers at the Galapagos Science Center are creating a biobank of samples from across the islands to help with the preservation of the archipelago and provide new opportunities for studies.

  • A person kneeling in a field.

    In the field with Carolina researchers

    Meet Carolina researchers who are conducting their work more than 2,600 miles away from Chapel Hill in the Galapagos Islands.