
Carolina People

Every day, Tar Heels find ways to leave their Heel print on campus and make our community stronger.

  • Trish Harris

    Carolina People: Patricia Harris

    A self-proclaimed “professional troublemaker,” Harris takes pride in acting as a champion for diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging and student success at Carolina.

  • a palm tree graphic

    Cool off with this summer music playlist

    Music department faculty suggest some tunes — jazz, classical, country, rock and more — to help you beat the heat. Give them a listen!

  • Paige Court flying a plane.

    Meet a new Tar Heel: Paige Court

    Paige Court has always wanted to be two things: a pilot and a Tar Heel. She has already achieved the first goal and will check off the second this week as she begins her time at Carolina.

  • Adam Sherif standing outside.

    Meet a new Tar Heel: Adam Sherif

    Incoming first-year Adam Sherif is looking forward to serving his community and working toward solving health inequality while at Carolina.

  • Emily Chavez

    Meet a Tar Heel: Emily Chávez

    Incoming master’s degree student Emily Chávez is bringing 15 years of experience as an education professional and newly-elected school board member.

  • Roberto Escobar

    Meet a new Tar Heel: Roberto Escobar

    After a 20-year career in the Marines, Roberto Escobar will begin a new chapter of his professional life this week as he becomes a Tar Heel.

  • Meixing Liu standing outside.

    Meet a new Tar Heel: Meixing Liu

    Meixing Liu will begin making strides toward her goal of becoming an optometrist when she officially begins her studies in Chapel Hill this fall.

  • Alexis wearing her world champion medals.

    Meet a new Tar Heel: Alexis Tchakarov

    Four-time taekwondo world champion Alexis Tchakarov plans to tap into what she's learned in her sport to help her excel at Carolina.