

Connect. Collaborate. Make the world spin. Global relationships create a smaller, smarter, more caring world.

  • Elizabeth Stringer stands near bamboo.

    Where she needed to be

    Dr. Elizabeth Stringer, an associate professor in the UNC School of Medicine, has dedicated her career to improving the health and well-being of women around the world.

  • Students stand outside.

    Social work through a global lens

    Carolina’s Global Social Development Innovations program is training social workers for global practice and bringing together an interdisciplinary team of researchers and scholars to improve the economic and social welfare of women, youth and their families around the world.

  • Chérie Rivers Ndaliko talks with people in the Democratic Republic of Congo

    Confronting conflict with creativity

    From Chapel Hill to the Democratic Republic of Congo, music professor Chérie Rivers Ndaliko empowers students to come together and use creativity as a touchstone for social change.

  • Sciences Po campus, Paris

    An international experience

    With resources from Carolina, Emily Venturi designed an independent research project to learn more about the migration crisis in Europe.

  • NUS-UNC alumni show off their Carolina gear

    Linking academics, cultures and people

    A growing joint-degree program between Carolina and the National University of Singapore allows for a new level of student exchange.

  • Graduating Tar Heels: Gabriela Alemán

    Winter graduate Gabriela Alemán spent much of her Carolina experience away from Chapel Hill, traveling the world through several of the University's global programs.

  • Sharon Weir

    Want to prevent AIDS? Look at places, not people

    An innovative, Carolina-born method for stopping the spread of HIV is saving lives across Sub-Saharan Africa.

  • Mina Hosseinipour talks with Cecilia Kanyama, lead of the AIDS Clinical Trials Group and an internal medicine physician with UNC-Project Malawi, at a recent scientific workshop.

    In Malawi, health care by women, for women

    Carolina researcher Mina Hosseinipour is leading a study to determine whether an injectable drug could prevent HIV in women.