
Research and Innovation

Topple a paradigm. Uncover the Unknown. Tar Heels ask questions, develop answers, create solutions and discover cures.

  • Trees in the fall

    The science behind fall foliage

    Why do leaves change color in the fall, and when is the best time to go “leaf-peeping”? The North Carolina Botanical Garden’s Johnny Randall, who says conditions this year are near perfect, answers your fall color questions.

  • A group holding books in a library.

    A (really) big birthday bash

    The department of English and comparative literature celebrates 225 years of rhetoric, writing, film and literature at UNC-Chapel Hill in October. The department ties its history to the founding of the University.

  • coronavirus

    Vaccinations can stop delta variant

    With delta driving more than 85% of COVID-19 cases in the U.S., vaccinations are the best path for ending the pandemic, says Carolina virologist David R. Martinez.

  • Students in the Pit on UNC's campus.

    Student group focuses on supporting cancer research, enhancing scientific careers

    Carolina Cancer Association is a student organization focused on health care volunteerism, contribution to research and academia, and spreading awareness about cancer and its widespread impact in every community.

  • Sam Kaplan and Alex Zhukhovitskiy have a midday conversation on Polk Place.

    Make the most of work time

    The pandemic has forced workers to re-examine how they organize their time and space. And that’s a good thing, says business operations expert Brad Staats.

  • The Arritech Peaks

    Into the backcountry

    This summer, Andrew Buchanan and Owen Ryerson made the arduous trek to the Arrigetch Peaks in remote Alaska to collect rock samples for an independent research project that aims to answer big questions about the mountains.

  • A man working on a computer with two screens

    Producing films for the dome

    A team at the Morehead Planetarium and Science Center creates original films to make science engaging for thousands of viewers each year.

  • A record leans against a record player.

    Learning behind the laughter

    In Associate Professor Michelle Robinson’s American studies Maymester course, “Comedy and Ethics,” students explored how stand-up comedy enriches American culture and sparks ethical discussions, all while making people laugh.