
Research and Innovation

Topple a paradigm. Uncover the Unknown. Tar Heels ask questions, develop answers, create solutions and discover cures.

  • The Old Well.

    Moving Forward with Boldness

    More than 225 years ago, a radical idea took root in North Carolina: higher education, funded by the people, for the people. As we enter the third decade of this millennium, the challenges we face today are great, but, as we have demonstrated for more than two centuries, we are built to face great challenges.

  • Kate Leo stands in front of first aid kits

    Two Tar Heels help first-year students become first-aid ready

    Carolina undergraduates Kate Leo and Hannah Tuckman launched an effort to provide students with first-aid kits, streamline campus health care information and resources.

  • A masked statue of Caesar from PlayMakers Repertory Company’s production of “Julius Caesar” sits outside the Joan H. Gillings Center for Dramatic Art.

    The show must go on

    All the world’s a stage, but what happens when the world is in lockdown?

  • A woman in business casual attire gives a presentation.

    Bolstering Black entrepreneurship

    Carolina experts explain why it’s so difficult for minorities to become entrepreneurs and why now may be the perfect time to even the playing field.

  • Packaged meat at a grocery store.

    Taking a bite out of meat allergies

    Food allergies have long baffled scientists — much is still to be learned about how they develop and why certain people are more susceptible than others. Researchers may be able to answer some of these questions by studying an unusual food allergy to mammalian meat.

  • A shark on the deck of a boat.

    The past, present and future of shark research

    The longest-running shark survey in the U.S. takes place off the coast of North Carolina. After nearly 50 years, Carolina researchers are still making discoveries.

  • woman wearing a mask with a hand pressed on a window

    Rethinking aging

    A Carolina professor weaves together personal experience, observations of others and history in examining how the pandemic degraded our ideas about the elderly and gave us a taste of old age.

  • graphic of people walking with masks, person using tracker on phone in foreground

    The right balance: digital contact tracing and privacy

    Experts discuss privacy issues as governments around the globe explore how technology and data analytics can enable effective contact tracing to slow the pandemic.