
Meet Carolina’s newest class

This fall’s cohort of first-year and transfer students is the largest and most diverse in University history. Here are some highlights.

Students lined up outside of Kenan Stadium.
The Convocation event for new students was held on Aug. 16, 2021, at Kenan Stadium. (Johnny Andrews/UNC-Chapel Hill)

Today begins a much-needed fall break for Carolina students, including the newest, who represent the largest and most diverse cohort in University history. This fall, Carolina welcomed 5,630 new students, including 4,688 first-year and 942 transfer students.

They hail from 95 countries, 45 states and 94 of North Carolina’s 100 counties, with 36% of in-state students coming from rural counties.

Among them, 21% identified as Asian or Asian American; 12% identified as Black or African American; 10% identified as Hispanic or Latinx; and 2% identified as Native American or Alaskan Native. More than a quarter, 27%, speak a language other than English.

And 19% will be the first in their families to graduate from college.

More than 200 of Carolina’s newest students graduated from schools served by the Carolina College Advising Corps.

Around one-third of the transfer students most recently attended a North Carolina Community College.

And the students in this new cohort are open-minded and educationally ambitious: 82% chose to attend Carolina for its welcoming and inclusive environment; 94% want to get better at leading, serving and working with people from different backgrounds; and 82% plan to continue their education after earning an undergraduate degree.

U.S. map in light blue with dots of varying sizes representing how many students from different states attend Carolina. Alll but four states have dots. The largest dots representing the most students are in South Carolina, Georgia, Texas, California, Illinois, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland and New York.

Students hail from 95 countries, 45 states and 94 of North Carolina’s 100 counties, with 36% of in-state students coming from rural counties. Nineteen percent will be the first in their families to graduate from college. 211 of Carolina’s newest students graduated from schools served by the Carolina College Advising Corps. Thirty-six percent of the transfer students most recently attended a North Carolina Community College.


Graph charting the total number of admissions applications received over an 11 year period. The numbers rose steadily from around 23,000 in 2011-2012 to almost 60,000 in 2021-2022.

A graph charting two lines: students admitted and enrolled at Carolina over an 11 year period. The number of admitted students rose gradually from around 7,500 in 2011-2012 to around 10,500 in 2020-2021. The number enrolled remained around 4,000 fromo 2011-2012 to 2019-2020 but then rose to 6,000 in 2021-2022.


They’re dedicated: Meet Shristi Sharma.

Shristi Sharma

Three years ago, a close friend of Sharma’s family died due to Alzheimer’s, and she began seeking a way to help. Inspiration struck while she was reading a magazine.

“I read this article about living with Alzheimer’s and how hard it is, and on the right side was an ad for the latest FitBit. The two images converged in my mind. I thought, ‘What if you could predict Alzheimer’s with a smart watch?’ That’s one of the main research interests I hope I can continue at Carolina.”

Sharma plans to study computer science and appreciates its interdisciplinary nature.

“You can use it with any subject you want. For me, those subjects recently have become health, neuroscience and psychology. It’s brains, minds and computers. That’s the intersection I want to work at.”


Graphic showing three data points: 12% of first-year students were valedictorian or salutatorian; 74% of first-year students were in the top 10% of their class; 95% of first-year students took more than five college-level courses in high school.


They have high hopes: Meet Bryce Jones.Bryce Jones

Jones arrived at Carolina ready to embrace all kinds of new experiences. That’s the only way he believes he’ll be able to accomplish his primary objective of college.

“I want to come out of college a better person than I came in. I don’t really know what it’s going to take to become a better person, but I want to come out different than I came in, having experienced something that alters the way I act and what my goals are.”

Graphic showing icons for the top-five intended majors at Carolina: biology, business, psychology or neuroscience, computer science, political science. Also most mentioned future careers: physician, business executive, scientific researcher, lawyer or judge, computer programmer or analyst, engineer.

Read the full class profile from the Office of Undergraduate Admissions.