University News

Goings, Harris receive faculty, staff awards

Trenette Clark Goings of the School of Social Work and Shauna Harris of the Carolina Women’s Center will be honored at the University Day celebration Oct. 11.

Trenette Clark Goings and Shauna Harris
Trenette Clark Goings and Shauna Harris

Trenette Clark Goings is this year’s recipient of the Edward Kidder Graham Faculty Service Award, which recognizes the outstanding service of Carolina’s voting faculty. Goings is the Sandra Reeves Spears and John B. Turner Distinguished Professor at the UNC School of Social Work. 

Shauna Harris is the recipient of the Rebecca Clark Staff Award for Moral Courage, which recognizes a staff member who has demonstrated a strong commitment to social justice, especially with regard to the treatment of fellow workers. Harris is the director of the Carolina Women’s Center. 

Goings and Harris will be recognized at the University Day celebration on Oct. 11. 

Trenette Clark Goings

Goings has been a member of Carolina’s faculty since 2010. Her research focuses on health disparity reduction and prevention science with an emphasis on the prevention of substance use and other risky behaviors among youth and emerging adults of color. She is known internationally for her work to advance the quality of life for residents in under-served and marginalized communities.  

Goings has received over $17 million in funding focused on youth substance use prevention and mental health. She is the principal investigator of more than $3 million in grants across two federally funded research projects and has authored 79 articles in peer-reviewed journals.  

A native of rural North Carolina, Goings uses her talents to serve the most vulnerable residents of her home state. One of her projects is Substance Use Prevention and Education Research, a five-year initiative for students in Durham and Granville counties. She is also principal investigator of a National Institutes of Health/National Institute on Drug Abuse grant to test a model for substance use using integrative data analysis.  

Her many honors include the Deborah K. Padgett Early Career Achievement Award from the Society for Social Work and Research, Wallace Kuralt Early Career Professorship at the UNC School of Social Work, and the Making a Difference Alumni Award from Virginia Commonwealth University, where she earned her doctorate. 

Shauna Harris

Harris joined the Carolina community in 2017 as associate director for student life and leadership. Three years later, she was named assistant dean for student affairs at the UNC School of Education, and in November 2023, she was appointed director of the Carolina Women’s Center.  

While actively serving as a practitioner for over 15 years, Harris has published work centered on identity development in biracial women, mid-management supervision and student engagement. She has held leadership positions in NASPA, the leading professional organization for student affairs administrators, and she recently joined the board of the North Carolina ACE Women’s Network. She also serves on the Carolina Black Caucus steering committee.  

Throughout her career, Harris has exemplified a commitment to creating inclusive environments that foster a sense of belonging, as well as working with stakeholders to create systems and programs centered on equity, efficiency and engagement. She epitomizes fairness and integrity in her work, consistently demonstrating openness, transparency and a dedication to improving the lives of students and her colleagues.  

Her efforts have led to more equitable outcomes related to compensation and workload for her colleagues, as well as ensuring that all voices are heard and considered during decision-making processes. Her perseverance and courageous spirit serve as an inspiration to the Carolina community.